
We want you to love the products that you buy from us. If for whatever reason, you are not 100% satisfied when you receive your item, you can return it to us. You have 30 days from the day that you received your item to return it to us for a full refund. Only as long as the products are unused and have all the original packaging.

We understand that the return shipment may take some time to arrive back at our warehouse and so we just need the returned items to be shipped out within 30 days, not delivered to us.

Need to return something? Let’s face it, returns can be a bit of a nuisance. You’ve ordered something, and now you’ve got to send it back. But don’t be upset, ArtZMiami works very hard to ensure this process is as seamless as possible. Please get in touch with our Customer Service department, by sending an email to customerservice@artzmiami.com. Please include your order number, and the email address or phone number, that you used when you made the purchase.

Customers are responsible for return postage costs.

In the unlikely event that you've received a damaged or faulty item, please get in touch with our Customer Service department within 7 days after receiving the item, by sending an email to customerservice@artzmiami.com.

1. Please include your order number, and the email address or phone number, that you used when you made the purchase. 

2. Please send us a photo of the broken item, and a photo of the shipping label that’s on the outside packaging. If the outside of the packaging was also broken, kindly include a photo that shows that as well.

3. We will send you a new item or refund your money, which ever you prefer. We'll make sure you are happy.